Politics (7-12)

In a time of rapid and profound change, with increasing political division, it is essential to educate the next generation on contemporary legal, social, and political issues and the process of ethical decision making. This module instils in students the practice of how to productively and politely understand, debate and explain ethical issues in the law. Our content is designed to be accessible, engaging, and irresistibly interactive for all students, as they step into the shoes of our government and consider the ethical repercussions of significant laws.



Introduction to Law The legal system in Australia and the decision making behind it.
Contemporary Law Reform Issues Issues of applied ethics that are routinely appearing in the news and debates
Contemporary Legal Issues with Technology How emerging technology such as artificial intelligence challenge laws, and how legislature is responding to it.
Law in Practice When injustice slips through the cracks of law, and how people respond to it.
Crime The nature of crime, who is committing it, how Australia responds to it, and whether improvement is possible.
Human Rights Human rights and whether or not specific cases count as violations against human rights.
Consumers Consumer rights and how well businesses respect these rights.
Environmental Protections The importance of protecting the environment, and the efficacy of protection strategies.
Family Law Family law, including contemporary social attitudes towards surrogacy, same-sex couples, and the changing nature of parental responsibility.
Contemporary Issues in Social Justice Contemporary social issues in Australia such as the treatment of indigenous peoples, issues concerning shelter, and workplace issues.
Global Security How countries relate to one another in terms of global cooperation and threats to security.
Free Speech The importance of free speech and the ethical dilemmas found when trying to preserve it.
Government Transparency The importance for a government to be transparent and how that should be balanced with the potential citizen panic and national security.
The Penitentiary System Debating the reason for prisons, whether it should be punishment and rehabilitation, and the best way of pursuing justice.
The Hospital System The responsibilities of healthcare providers and how to navigate that with individual rights of citizens and national constaints in a healthcare system