Metaphysics (7-12)

Metaphysics is the study of abstract concepts (e.g. knowledge, identity, time, and space), all the thoughts that creep into a curious mind at one point or another. This module, is designed to take students through the prominent questions in metaphysics like “what is the nature of reality”, and “do we have free will” in an accessible and engaging way. Every question, concept, or term introduced is accompanied with a well-known thought experiment, anecdote, or case study hand-picked to be engaging and comprehensible for students’ years 7-12.

    Free Will
    Thought Experiments


Reality Questions what the nature of reality is, with reference to thought experiments like plato’s cave.
Aesthetics Questions the nature of aesthetics and what makes humans attracted to art.
Identity An investigation into where consciousness originates, whether the “mind” or “soul” exist separate to the body and what makes a person the same over time, with reference to thought experiments such as the ship of Theseus.
Free Will & Determinism Questions whether free will exists, if we are determined, or if there are other options, with reference to specific theories and theorists.
Perspectives on Life and Death Questions to do with the meaning of life, and perspectives on death with reference to various theories and thought experiments.