Ethics (7-12)

Ethics is the branch of philosophy that asks “what we ought to do”. Needless to say, an awareness of ethics is critical in a time of such rapid and profound change. This module dives deep into the ethics theories and the philosophers responsible for them. Each thought experiment taught in this workshop has been hand-picked to ensure that every student is able to contribute to the discussion regardless of their experience in philosophy.

    Virtue Theory
    Thought Experiments


Questions in Metaethics Metaethical questions such as “what is good and bad?”, “is ethics absolute?”, “are humans capable of a truly selfless deed?”
Virtue Theory An explanation of virtue theory as according to the ancient greeks, and the idea of morality as something unable to be defined through a set series of rules.
Deontology Theories throughout History The idea of “rule based” theories, and an explanation of the different deontological theories over time.
Questions and Criticisms with Deontology The questions and criticisms that arise from deontology, in light to various arguments proposed by famous thinkers and famous thought experiments.
Consequentialist Theories throughout History The idea of “consequence-based” theories, and an explanation of the different consequentialist theories over time.
Questions and Criticisms with Consequentialism The questions and criticisms that arise from consequentialism, in light to various arguments proposed by famous thinkers and famous thought experiments.
Issues in Applied Ethics A series of contemporary issues in applied ethics where students use all the theories, terms, and thought experiments they have learnt over the day to formulate, express and debate their perspectives.